A review by jadeeby
Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


Originally posted at my blog Chasing Empty Pavements

To be completely honest, I had zero expectations for this book. In fact, I always thought the cover was kind of odd because it has a fairly normal title with a not-so-normal picture. With so many of these books, I request them because they sound good but by the time I get around to reading them, I've forgotten what the premise is. I've found this is actually to my advantage because I'm often pleasantly surprised. This book was no exception. It was a really fun ride.

I've been approaching books a little differently lately since I've been writing my own and I'm realizing that the things I'm starting to find enjoyable are actually parts of writing. So the first thing I loved about this book was the characterization and the voice. Barnes did SO well here. Kali is a well developed character with A LOT of voice. She's sassy and badass yet still vulnerable to the feelings we all feel. ALL of the secondary characters are awesome too. Skylar and Bethany especially. I love the play on stereotypes. Skylar is a self-proclaimed "slut" (although she's not) and uses this to her advantage as a power tool. Bethany is the popular cheerleader...but underneath that exterior she's witty, caring and smart. Now the world building was CRAZY amazing in this book. At first, I thought this was going to be just another vampire/supernatural book but it was SO much more. There were all kind of crazy creatures and supernaturals powers involved. It's hard in a supernatural world, to make the unbelievable, believable... but Barnes did exactly that. Not only was the characterization and voice done well but the writing is just fantastic. It was a fast read with a great premise. It almost reads like there could be a sequel but I'm not sure if that will happen.

Overall, this book was a great read and I highly recommend it for YA readers. It was full of suspense, action and kick-assery. (Yes, I did just make up that word I think!) Go get yourself a copy!

**I received this book free from the publisher through www.netgalley.com. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.