A review by ambeesbookishpages
Other Broken Things by Christa Desir


The full review could be found at THE BOOK BRATZ closer to its release date!

From the moment I saw the cover for Other Broken Things I knew it was something I was going to read. Other Broken Things is raw and gritty, showing the destruction that alcoholism and recovery caused in one girls life, but also her determination to get better.

Natalie is an alcoholic, she may not think she is. But she is. At 17 and busted for DUI she is now mandated to court ordered rehab, AA meetings and community service. When Natalie is first introduced as a character she isn't in a good place in her life. She is freshly out of rehab and vulnerable. Her plan is to play the system, because to her there is nothing wrong. I really appreciated Natalie's character growth from beginning to end. At first she doesn't see that there is anything wrong and she doesn't have a desire to get better. But over time she realizes that she doesn't like the direction her life is going and accepts to help that is being offered to her.

Desir introduces Joe into the story early on, when he pretty much calls Natalie out on her plans to play the system. He's been in the system for five years now, but sober for three. She also introduces Kathy (Joe's ex-sister-in-law) who becomes Natalie's sponsor. Both characters are vital to Natalie's treatment and help push her along the way. It wasn't until the last third of the book before things get messy though.

When Joe was first introduced and his age revealed I quickly shut down my hopes of any romance in this book. He is 38, over 20 years older then Natalie is. Despite Natalie's constant flirting and innuendos they remain friends. He is someone who is helping Natalie in her treatment. It isn't until Natalie goes to him for her fifth step of treatment that things get messy. In her fifth step Natalie has to open up to all her resentments in life, something that leaves her open and vulnerable. After everything is said and done Natalie and Joe sleep together. Kathy mentioned to Natalie earlier on in the novel that they get addicted to other things when they are in recovery. I want to say that Desir was trying to put across that Natalie has become addicted to Joe, but I just don't know. I'm at a lost for words.

Overall, I did really enjoy Other Broken Things despite the whole sex issue. Natalie's story is one that will stick out in my mind for a long time. I wish there would be another book for Natalie. I would love to see how she is doing now and if she is happy.