A review by ameserole
Girl in the Shadows by Gwenda Bond


Yes, I'm writing the reviews out of order for this series but I don't think it really matters since the books have completely different characters in it. Just go with it.

Girl in the Shadows was pretty good but I guess I was just expecting more since the first book, Girl on a Wire was really good in my eyes. I don't really know how else to explain it other than the fact that I was just sort of expecting more from this book in a way.

What I really liked about Girl in the Shadows was that it had a female fighting for recognition in a male-dominated profession. However, it wasn't only about that - no, it mentioned positive things about body image and accepting people for being themselves.

I've always hated the double standard that we live in. I also have always hated how so many people get harassed for who they are. Just accept them. They aren't harming you in any way for them being themselves. I don't base my friendship on what they wear, how they act, who they love, their religion, or anything else that's super fucking dumb to judge them on. Well, unless they are douchebag or a twatwaffle 25/8 then that might break the friendship pact. But other than that I don't really care. So, it's really frustrating to me when in books and in real life not everyone can accept people for the way they are. For who they are. For them being an actual person.

Okay, enough of my rant there. Other than that I really like Moira and Dez because they constantly supported one another. They seemed to have a normal and very healthy relationship and I fully supported them supporting each other.

Overall, this book did have some flaws but they weren't major. I liked the flow of the book and the characters. I guess I just wanted more from it. I could totally see myself rereading this series over and over again.