A review by yodamom
Pure by Julianna Baggott


After the apocalypse the world is divided, the Pure's that live in the Dome untainted by the detonations. Then there are the Wretches. Their bodies fused to objects that were near them during the blast, some unrecognizable as even once being human. The animals, the dust and the plants, everything has been effected.

Prissia a wretch had her hand fused to her doll she was holding. Where her hand used to be has doll eyes that click shut, persed lips. She can feel the small ridges of her knuckles and fingers where they fused. She is raised by her Grandfather who has a horrendous fan forever lodged in his throat. She is about to turn 16 an age where you get taken away.

Partridge, is a Pure the son of one of the leaders of the Dome.Eh has been isolated and lonely. The boys in the dDome undergo a coding treatment to make them better. For some reason his coding is not going as it should. His mother gave him something before the blast that made some of the coding not work. After his brother kills himself and his father is angry about the coding not working he makes a drastic decision. He leaves the Dome, escapes.

His adventure into the world is a terrible nightmare, and yet there is beauty. The effects of the blast and the nanotechnology in the bombs has helped regenerate humans into grotesque beings. His survival is unlikely until he meets Prissia and her friends and discover a history that will change everything they believed.

Fascinating details and world development. I can not compare this to any book I've read. It was so completely unique in the details they almost overwhelmed the story. It is a dark world and a dark story, not happy fairy tales here, and yet I could not put it down. I will always remember parts of this story.