A review by charlottethebookharlot
Nobody But Us by Laure Van Rensburg


4.5 stars
Steven Harding is a well respected professor with his professional life moving from strength to strength his personal life is also positive too; his young girlfriend Ellie Masterson is completely besotted with him. Together they travel for a romantic break in the woods; but away from the hustle of the city and cut off from others cracks start to appear and secrets that both Steven and Ellie have been keeping are exposed.

I loved this thriller/suspense story; the three perspectives, Steven, Ellie and the unknown female brought depth and interest to the story and I was gripped as what started as a seeming good relationship between Steven and Ellie was exposed. I love the film Hard Cady and this gave me the same vigilante vibes which I really enjoyed. A great book which had me hooked until the very end.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review