A review by greenldydragon
Inside the Shadow City by Kirsten Miller


This characters in this book are really quirky and fun, but the plot itself felt disjointed to me. First, the narrator, Ananka, becomes curious about Kiki Strike, a girl who tells their principal that her goal in life is to be dangerous. Cool. I can get behind that. Then, she stalks her..... doesn't go up and simply ask "why do you want to be dangerous?" Nope. Skip that step. Let's follow her around for a while. Then, Kiki confronts Ananka and gets invited to join the Irregulars.

The Irregulars were by far my favorite part of the book (as well as the interesting chapter endings). Each character as her own specialty, be it document forging (and lockpicking), disguises, engineering, chemicals, or encyclopedic knowledge. They are all fun and smart and, for the most part, act like how friends in real life do. They band together under Kiki to investigate the Shadow City under NY City. Again, awesome. It's when this goes a foul and Kiki disappears then reappears.... I'll spare the spoilers, but there were a lot of moving parts and it didn't all read as believable to me.

Awesome characters, poor plot. May or may not read the next book in the series.