A review by crookedtreehouse
The Backstagers, Vol. 2: The Show Must Go On by James Tynion IV, Rian Sygh


High school is a time for melodrama, and magic, and completely unrealistic senses of time and responsibility. All of that is present in Tynion and [a:Rian Sygh|12974495|Rian Sygh|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] 's second volume of Backstagers. In addition to the magical realm of all backstages of high school theaters, this volume dwells on queer romance throughout gay backstage history, and lets us know that if an entire cadre of queer high schol students go missing for two weeks, the police won't be involved, and the parents will just ground their kids, rather than sue the shit out of the school, and maybe hire an entire team of pyschiatrists, ghostbusters and exorcists to investigate The Backstage.

Like volume one, this is fun, all-ages, queer inclusive, and at least bordering on hokey/sappy, if not living proudly dead center in the middle of Saptown.

I recommend it for high school tech kids, people who like young adult fare with queer and manga influences, fans of early 21sr century Cartoon Network shows, and people who long for queer-inclusive stories mostly devoid of the snark that tends to get lumped in with queer writing.