A review by blodeuedd
Christmas in Blue Dog Valley by Annie England Noblin


Christmas book in September, just as I do every year ;)

Goldie leaves her stupid ex, and her job in LA. She goes to a tiny town in Wisconsin to become its vet. Goldie was nice, and deserved so much more than her LA life. And here she finds real friends, and purpose. Of course it takes time because people are all oh no, a stranger!

But the town when you get to know them is nice. Quirky characters, one then one grumpy handsome man. One does need some romance too. It takes some time for them to like each other, and then more.

Oh and the town plans a Christmas festival. All very sweet. There is not a lot of drama here. I liked the no tension free atmosphere. Some drama shows up, but very lowkey in a way.

Sweet small town romance

Good narration. It got me in feel of the town and its people.