A review by shelovestoread
Brave Enough by Kati Gardner


Rating: 3.5
Thank you to NetGalley the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review

This story is about Cason and Davis. Cason is the youngest ballerina in the Atlanta Ballet Conservatory, But her life is turned a 360 degree when she gets diagnosed with Bone Cancer. Davis has survived cancer, but his drug addiction nearly killed him. Now 7 months sober sentenced to do community service on the cancer ward where he was treated, his life collides with Cason where she is also being treated....

The title of this book fits this story so well. This book is so bloody positive through and through. Being BRAVE is the theme throughout both Cason's and Davis's arc.

Things i liked:
- Cason's Journey; I quite enjoyed her arc. The journey from shock to acceptance and moving on (to some level).
- Davis’ struggle; The representation and the struggle of a former addict and all the temptation he faced all around and how real it was.
- How there were no extra over the top villains; this was one of my favorite thing about this book. It didn't had to make things and events extra like a soap opera. Like people asked for help and were able to maintain strength through out. Like no bad guys got away with being shit ass!
- All the help that was around when it was needed; i loved that their were so many people around to help all the support groups. It was just so positive and empowering that yes you can do this. And so many people are yes indeed around you rooting for you!!
- The representation of the disabled and sick; Their are so many diverse and disable and recovering people in this book. And all their view, struggles are discussed.
- Addiction Talk This book deals extensively with addiction, i found it so positive. It has like such a big message that YES HELP IS HERE FOR YOU! I loved that and their were support groups and the NA meeting. And how the parents, doctors and friends around were so supportive and helpful.
- Authenticity Since this book draws from the authors own experience with cancer. This felt real and genuine.
- Side Supporting Characters: Each one of the side characters were so different, fun diverse and supportive.

Things i didn't like:
-The insta love: I am so sad about this tbh. It had so much potential sigh like so bloody much!! But they ruined it. The like so instantly fall together ugh, it could have worked so well if it didn't just happen in an instant. I mean she doesn't even know him other than his name from school, when they meet and BAAM they end up together.
- Camp: The camp is mentioned like 3948348 times through out the book and in the end we just get glimpse of like two to three events not even day!??!?!?!?
- The mom Oh she start as such villain and a bitch but than she out of nowhere get a conscience?
-Lack of back story for: The story starts with the feeling that Davis knows of Cason and maybe kinda likes her. But we never get why and how he knew her from school.

Overall this book is filled with a nice, positive and authentic representation of cancer patients, survivors and addiction. You should definitely pick it up for that alone!...

P.s The struggle was real with Cason's name through out this review xD The amount times i wrote Canson and Canon was to darn high!!
i got approved for it on net galley I MEAN WOW!! Now i get why people freak about net galley approvals!!!!