A review by flamepea
The Lost World by Michael Crichton


What the hell was this book? I was so excited to read the last instalment of the Jurassic Park book series. After the masterpiece known as Jurassic Park I preferred the book over the original movie. I wondered how Michael could create such a plot-twist and more thriller-filled scenes as seen in The Lost World (movie).

He didn’t. This whole book was chaos theory rammed down our throats, constant interruptions of dialogue, interesting questions, dinosaurs appearing out of nowhere then the danger easily been avoided.
Everything was so rushed and honestly why didn’t anyone other than ‘bad guys/irrelevant characters’ die. It would’ve made sense if any of them died because they all had close encounters. If malcolm or arby died for example I wouldn’t have really cared since it would be realistic.

Malcolm was super frustrating in this book unlike in the movie/first book. He didn’t even mention past experience on the island throughout the whole book. It was as if he was there for the first time which I found strange to just brush off especially since he thought the original island was a terrible idea, especially after the traumatic events. But no okay I’ll let it slide, sure it’s not a zoo anymore but to go on island for someone you generally hate? I preferred the movie were he is very concerned for Sarah and only went to protect her.

What was that ending, I’m so glad the movie made it seem purposely rushed since I always go “oh how long until the movie ends?” then I remember the plot twist of the t-rex coming to civilisation. No plot twist here just a terrible book rushed to be written for the next film.

I’m going to watch the lost world and praise the writers for fixing this mess.