A review by bookishlychar
A Secret for a Secret by Helena Hunting


3.5/5 - This book is about Queenie and Kingston. We have met Kingston in previous stories in this book.

Ryan Kingston is definitely different than most of the hockey athletes that Helena Hunting has written previously. They all have a certain amount of sweetness, but this guy was such a sweet and kind guy. He is the boy scout who doesn't swear, rarely drinks and is such a gentleman. Queenie is a free spirit who is trying to figure out what to do with her life. She has never found something that "sticks" for work. She has also had some ex-jerks.

Kingston is just the type of guy she needs. They are definitely opposites attract, but not in a fighting type of way. They are just sweet with each other. Both are struggling with their own demons and learning to live in a world where things are not always perfect. I love how Kingston believes in Queenie so much, even before Queenie is sure of herself.

You do get a happily ever after in this book and the epilogue does a nice job of painting what happens in their (and other people from the previous books) future.