A review by rereader33
Takane & Hana, Vol. 9 by Yuki Shiwasu


I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm officially dropping this series thanks to this volume. Here's why:

1. The repetitive nature of the jokes, scenarios, dialogue, etc. has been grating on my nerves for awhile and this volume has finally left me raw. How is it that we are 9 volumes into this series and Takane, who is 30 years old mind you, still refuses to use his FUCKING WORDS and communicate his problems to Hana? I get that he only acts out of care for others, but considering that he's been called out for this behavior MULTIPLE TIMES and it's still happening is beyond inexcusable. And before anyone comments about how all series are repetitive and blah blah blah, I AM PERFECTLY AWARE OF THAT. Kaguya-sama Love is War is one of my favorite romantic comedies of all time and it is repetitive as hell, but I love it because I can tolerate the repetition since the jokes are still hilarious (in my opinion). At this point, the jokes are stale and overdone.

2. Hana's family is annoying as shit, barely serves any purpose, and quite frankly paint lower-class families as money-grubbing assholes that will jump at any opportunity for a better life with zero shame. Lovely.

3. Okamon. FUCKING OKAMON. Where do I even fucking start? I am so fucking done with this character; he was a bland, one dimensional childhood friend love interest who never did anything to start a relationship with Hana but is jealous of Takane for taking the initiative. He has been some kind of voice of reason to Hana, though to be honest his advice is shady at best, but in this volume he has the audacity to get on her case because she dumped a bunch of home-life exposition on him. I will admit Hana went a little too far into TMI territory (why would she mention that she can walk around in nothing but a towel in front of Takane and he won't do anything? Seriously, how naive-bordering on stupid is she??) but his tirade was completely uncalled for. Especially when he drops this gem of a line:
"If you wander up to some guy you're not even dating, wearing nothing but a towel...if something DID happen, people would say you were asking for it".
WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK?! Yes, Takane and Hana technically aren't dating, but they're in an ARRANGED MARRIAGE PARTNERSHIP, which I don't know about you, but kind of ECLIPSES dating to me. Not to mention the fact that you're argument is effectively don't do this because people will blame you for any negative consequences? Not "don't do this because you could get hurt" or "because it's dangerous," but because you could be the subject of victim blaming? Woooooow, that's awesome! I can't imagine why Hana hasn't fallen head over heels for this jealous asshole yet! And no, him admitting that he's terrible for having these feelings does not justify his behavior, especially when he admits that he only started having romantic feelings for Hana when Takane came into her life and "threatened" to take her away from him. I repeat-WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! And to add the cherry on top, he confesses his feelings to her at the end of the volume. No, I am not fucking reading the next volume just to see how she responds because I could not give a flying fuck at this point.

That just about wraps up my thoughts. I'm not continuing with this series and have no regrets ending it. Thank you for listening to my rage-induced tirade, enjoy your day.