A review by ameserole
The Existence of Bea Pearl by Candice Marley Conner


I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Why hello my little spooky book. I feel like it was the perfect time to jump into The Existence of Bea Pearl. Mostly because it's fall weather time and I'm ready for all the scary movies and books to come my way. Heck, I might even do a conjuring movie marathon this weekend.

In this, you will meet Bea Pearl. I mean the title of the book really gives it away so you shouldn't be surprised. She's about 16 years old and is basically the only person alive who doesn't think her brother is dead. Even after he's declared dead she still wants to figure out what actually happened.

Move on over Nancy freaking Drew because Bea Pearl means business and she's going to solve this mystery!

Now I'm not going to lie. I was completely suspicious of every person or thing in this book. Especially whenever Bea is near the water. At times I didn't know what to think or believe because each twist and betrayal that came my way confused me so much. In a good way though because it kept me and the true suspect(s) on their toes. Or my toes really.

In the end, I kind of wished I liked the characters a bit more. Don't get me wrong, some were likable but a lot weren't my cup of tea. I also felt like Bea was a pretty unreliable narrator at times. Especially when it came to her memories/dreams throughout this book. I'm still very happy that I got the chance to dive into this book and now I need more spooky reads in my life!