A review by daffz
Without a Summer by Mary Robinette Kowal


3.5 rounded up.

For most of this book I felt like not much was happening, but the last half was pretty good and it really pulled me along. I think with these books I just have to get used to the pacing, which fits the setting and time period and can be a bit slow at times. A lot does happen, it just takes a while for things to really get rolling. But I did enjoy this book a lot more than the second, and I find it interesting how every book in this series is very different while still staying consistent with the worldbuilding and characters.

I enjoyed seeing more of Melody in this book, and the fact that we got to see her have more depth was very nice. I do think the author changed her a quite a bit compared to the first book, but she did also get older so it does make sense. The romance was sweet, if a bit predictable, but that's not unexpected. I also enjoyed seeing more of the magic in this world and the different uses for it, it seems like every book in the series expands on that in interesting ways.

All in all, an enjoyable read. I've found myself attached enough to the characters to want to know what happens next, so I'll definitely be continuing this series.