A review by levinels
The Bible Tells Me So: Why Defending Scripture Has Made Us Unable to Read It by Peter Enns


While I was disappointed that this work was largely a retread of the same ideas found in Inspiration and Incarnation, this is still a worthwhile read in its own right and discusses some very important concepts for anybody interested in how to reconcile the weirdness of the Bible (especially the OT) with modern life. Some of the concepts were less revelatory to me because I had read I&I, so much so that it almost feels as if The Bible Tells Me so is a retelling of Enns' previous work just in a different, lighthearted voice. Some may find his brisk, irreverent (albeit humorous) tone enjoyable, but I found it a bit distracting.

So, if you you're looking for the "TL;DR" version of some of Enns' worldview-changing themes (he even has a specific chapter towards the end that summarizes the book in 250 words or so), choose this one, but if you want a more dense, scholarly, heavily-footnoted unpacking of the ideas, pick up Inspiration and Incarnation. Both have helped me immensely!