A review by eliothewitch
A Sicilian Romance by Ann Radcliffe


My god was this a long book. It was alright, honestly. I was very excited to start this one because I've heard that the Gothic is a very cool genre, but I honestly don't care for it anymore. I skipped over a lot of the long landscape descriptions, and the parts in which actual action was happening seemed to only be happening by accident. Like, every time Julia seems to be stuck or about to get caught it just so happens that Ferdinand or Hippolitus or Madame are there to rescue her. It got kind of annoying after a while.

I've definitely read worse books, but this is not something I'd recommend to a friend.


The ending was surprising enough though. We'd discussed the book in class before I finished it, so I already knew about the marchioness being alive, but Maria and the marquis dying so violently was really unexpected. The only time during this book when I was truly on the edge of my seat was when I didn't know if the marchioness and Julia had eaten the poison. Though, I should've guess that once again a man would show up and save them.