A review by nerdynatreads
Neanderthal Seeks Human by Penny Reid

Did not finish book. Stopped at 32%.
 Sad sad sad to say that I couldn’t do it. I love the Winston boys and thought I’d try out the original series in Reid’s universe, but oof I just could NOT with Quinn as a hero. 

Janie was a bit of a silly bean, very quirky, but at least she wasn’t over the top Not Like Other Girls, always talking positively about other women, but that often came with negative comments about herself, that were really grating. The amount of negative attention paid to her body was ridiculous, but also indicative of when this was written. It was also frustrating just how unaware she could be. There’s a moment where she decides no one needs to babysit or take care of her, she’s an adult woman and can do it herself, dammit! Except she promptly stumbles into a bad situation and needs rescuing. 

Quinn does a lot of the same stuff mentioned when Janie’s complaining about her ex-boyfriend which was ridiculous to me. Quinn’s too over the top strong, silent type, purposefully misleading Janie a few times (which played on the over the top unawareness she exhibits), but when things started to push the line into sexual harassment territory because of their power imbalance, I was out. It just felt too icky and I couldn’t see myself looking at him positively after that.