A review by jkeyes
This Little Light by Lori Lansens


I really enjoyed This Little Light.
It was a quick, face-paced and punchy read.
Focusing on the first 48 hours after an explosion at a father-daughter purity dance, two of the attendees are on the run for allegedly planting the bomb.

While I can see that some people will make comparisions with Margaret Attwoods "The Handmaiden Tale", this story lacks the depth and terror of Gilead and mainly focuses on abortion, reproductive rights and minority communities.
The story flows between current events and a blog leading up to the dance. While I didn't have a problem with the blog format, I did have to reach out to Urban dictionary & Google to find the meaning of a few terms/acronyms.

I am a little surprised that this isn't being marketed as a YA novel, given its length and the composition is based thoughts/blog of a 16 year old.
Overall I found it to be a captivating read that I couldn't put down.

Thank you to #booktrib for sending a copy to our book club to review