A review by amrix11
Genghis: Birth of an Empire by Conn Iggulden


Hands down my most recommended read for historical fiction. Conn takes a very unique and personal point of view of a character many tag as a 'villain'. Conn forces you to see this cold heartless warrior from a different point of view, and its nothing short of incredible.

The story follows Genghis Khan, from his childhood to adulthood. The things that happened to him in his childhood are amazingly cruel, and you find yourself rooting for him. Then you follow him as he matures and suddenly everything he does makes sense from his point of view and Genghis is no longer a villain as far as the reader is concerned. I love that.

The connection Conn forms between you and the characters are very real. If Conn has a talent, its writing in a way that the reader forms a strong connection with his characters, and that is critical in any fiction novel.

The writing style is very easy and well done, you can "read through it like butter". Its text and descriptive adjectives are rich, the the language easy to understand. The pace is very fast, the battle scenes packed with every kind of emotion, it will leave you breathless.

Excellent book, I can not recommend this series, or author, enough!