A review by laneyofthenight
Avengers vs. X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Jason Aaron, Jonathan Hickman, Matt Fraction


What a great big pile of crap.

Congratulations. You wrote a giant reset button without technically starting over. This comic served its purpose I GUESS, but having the final outcome you wanted doesn’t make something good.

I’m marking it as DNF because at some point I was just skim reading it I was so fed up with how much I didn’t like it.

From page one it just screams “we have an agenda, and we’re getting to the end no matter what”. The various authors don’t feel like a cohesive unit. Most characters don’t really sound like themselves. And there’s a lot of plot that just feels force fed.

Not an enjoyable experience.

Also, sidebar, I hate Scott Summers. And not just in the way I’m supposed to hate Scott Summers. I hate reading about Scott Summers, and lately I just don’t like X Men anymore. In some part because of his character, but in a larger part because of the direction the whole X Men’s gone down.