A review by foreverbeautifulbooks
Secrets of Night by Virginia Cavanaugh


This actually wasn't a very long read, but what was there, the story packed quite the punch. I found it very hard to put it down.

The storyline was very fast paced, and you honestly got very connected with all the characters in the story in a very short amount of word count, which isn't easy to do.

I loved how the story weaved in her very own unique paranormal verse world, and she did the world building with such ease that I was impressed.

Kale was a vampire I could get on board with. He was cheeky, hunky, alpha, and he knew when to stop pounding his chest and loosen up a bit and allow the heroine to prove her worth. He had a few moments where I was like, "Bring it down buddy." But then he got all sexy bitey and I was over that and just went with it.

Kierra is a sorceress with a secret that she can't really tell, Kale, yet she is thrust into a situation where she can only trust Kale. She was a strong female character and she didn't have to be in a perpetual state of beating up paranormal baddies to prove she was strong, she was clever to boot.

For only 85 pages, this story encompassed so much unique story that I couldn't stop even though it was 4AM in the morning. I got lost in the world, got a bit sad that shifter where the baddies, (shifters are my favorites), but it was nice to see the vampires take the fore and steer the story along. I think vampires are getting lost in the endless sea of shifter stories that are pumped out constantly.

Well, done Ms. Cavanaugh! This was a very well weaved tale and I can't wait to read the second installment!

*I received a copy via Fated Desired Publishing in exchange for an honest review*