A review by justlily
See You at Harry's by Jo Knowles


So this was my very first ever audiobook. It's a strange thing to review an audiobook instead of the actual book because so much of it relies on the narrator. I feel like things I wouldn't have noticed or cared about otherwise were magnified by having it read to me.

My main problem with this is that the narrator's voice was so incredibly whiney. I get that Fern is a twelve year old girl so it was probably pretty accurate as twelve year old girls whine a lot. But it didn't make it pleasant to listen to for five hours. Also she deepened her voice a lot for Fern's best friend Ran who...is twelve also...so...not sure why that was necessary. Have you met a twelve year old boy? They don't talk like Ned Stark.

But the story itself was okay. I'm glad I listened to it instead of read it because I probably wouldn't have made it beyond a few chapters. I think on paper this would have bordered on mind numbingly boring for the first 20 chapters. Hearing it went a little faster and made it a little more interesting.

I definitely didn't bawl my eyes out like so many of the other reviews talked about. I didn't even get choked up. But it was..sad, I guess.

I don't know it was okay.