A review by adventure_in_books
The Cherished by Patricia Sarrafian Ward


I found this read kind of offensive. The way of thinking was just not for me. It felt like we took 10 steps back. I wasn't engaged in the writing. This was a DNF for me. I stopped at about 20%. I was excited to read this book but it just filled me with an icky feeling. The cover alone is amazing. But don't be fooled this book has a selective audience. I agree with what other reviewers are saying its pretty outdated in ideas and problematic.

Its a paranormal YA fantasy read. My daughter has no desire to read it. This book was marked to be like White Smoke and I LOVED that book. This book no way in any form compares to that read. Sadly this fell flat for me. But I am sure that there are readers out there looking for reads like that will truly enjoy it. But I am not one.