A review by youfelinedevil
First Year Healthy by Michael DeForge


(Also) picked this up randomly to read quickly at the library. Went in blind and WOW, the art is so interesting and vibrant I probably wouldn't have cared if the story was shit. The story was great, though, so we'll never really know. I knew it was fiction, but it still, at least at the beginning, felt compellingly realistic. The character felt very honest and true. Men writing female characters is uh... not always... good. This was very good. The narration is perfect: unreliable, unflappably frank. Bizarre, idiosyncratic details are presented as ordinary, almost uneventful, which makes the entire thing a wonderfully disconcerting read. Suddenly one's perception of "ordinary" is called into question! Maybe it's just me. She's crazy, I'm crazy, me and this book bonded. We're buds, now.