A review by shreeb
The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson


I finally started this series! After hearing about it for so long, I’ve finally decided to start Sanderson’s Cosmere with Mistborn. As someone who really only reads YA, I wanted to get a start in more fantasy books (I know that technically, Mistborn is YA?) and I’d heard about Sanderson before when I started reading Steelheart back in middle school, but I don’t recall finishing the book so reading The Final Empire was basically a second introduction to Sanderson’s writing for me.

I’ve heard many things about The Final Empire both before and after finishing it, but my experience reading this book was overwhelmingly positive. I couldn’t get over how instantly I was engaged in the book, the world, the characters and the magic system. I loved Kelsier and his gang, and even though Kelsier himself felt a bit cliche, it was really interesting to see the more gray/dark aspects of his character that is balanced well with the morally good and heroic aspects.

My favorite part of this book has to be Vin. I’ve surprisingly heard mixed things about her, saying that she’s not a character people could connect well with or that she isn’t a realistically written teenage girl character. Given the circumstances of the novel, I wouldn’t expect Vin to be realistic in our world’s standards at all. But as a girl that’s Vin’s age in this book, I thought she was so well-written and such a likable character. Her growth throughout the story was done very well, and I loved seeing her opening up to Kelsier and everyone else and how she slowly starts healing from her past trauma (and it’s realistic in the way that she hasn’t fully recovered either).

Anyways, I can even get started on the magic system because I think it’s so unique and such a cool concept to just think about. Overall, I enjoyed this book immensely and I think it’s a great way to start off some fantasy, especially for a younger audience like me.