A review by crispyfries
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston


So much to say about this, let’s start with the good stuff: The. Side. Characters. They were amazing and lovable and added so much to the book, the whole found family element was to die for!! The romance was cute and unique and I liked the MC and love interest- (also to all those judging the PDA on the subway…. like you wouldn’t do the same under those circumstances). You’ll have to suspend disbelief for a lot of the plot, but you should be prepared for that after reading the blurb.

The less than ideal stuff: things just seems a liiiiittle too easy for main character. Would have liked to see a bit more struggle. Also the main plot point of the book creates a huge power imbalance between MC and love interest which was kinda uncomfortable. Main character also tells her Asian love interest that racism isn’t so bad these days