A review by a_manning11
Brothers at Bat: The True Story of an Amazing All-Brother Baseball Team by Audrey Vernick


This is a story well worth reading. The true story of an all-brothers baseball team is fun and inspiring. Firmly placed in its historical period, the story includes the 1939 World Fair and World War II, but the center of the story are the brothers who stick together and show sportsmanship. The story ends in the present with later generations of the family.

A note at the back of the book is accompanied by a photo of the true team, the 12 Acerra boys (the family had 16 children, the four daughters didn't play).

Somehow I didn't appreciate the illustrations. I can't quite put my finger on it, but they remind me of something. - Maybe it's just that the book is aimed at boys, and I'm not a boy.
I appreciated the illustration of the brothers going to war. Below the six brothers in uniform, the page shows a part of the globe, with fighter planes and battle ships crossing both oceans, heading to the war in Europe and Asia. This illustration conveys a lot of information is a basic and appealing way.