A review by hirvimaki
The Zombie Chasers by John Kloepfer


This is a young readers book I read to my daughter. In the same vein as Captain Underpants and it's ilk, it has a lot to endear itself to pre-teens, including lots of middle school bathroom humour. As far as a zombie book, it has lots of them. In fact, apparently the entire world has turned to zombies. And Kloepfer goes into great detail describing the pus, blood, boils, slime, gore, and muck that make zombies zombies. For a kids book about zombies I thought it was great; just enough scare to make it a believable "horror" story offset with kiddo humour to soften it into something palatable for a nine-year-old. Be warned, it ends on a cliffhanger in an attempt to get you to read the following five books in the series.