A review by minimicropup
Followers by Megan Angelo

Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
This is an interesting story, I like the premise so far, but it's a book that requires some focus and the length of it is a bit too much for me right now. I felt like I was rushing it because I have too many scheduled reads (library, ARCs) to get to, and even just setting this aside for a day or two, I'd have to get caught up again for who was who and what last happened. I think that speaks more to my inexperience with sci-fi elements, so I need extra time to understand the worldbuilding. It's a not-too-distant future story but world-changing events happened and we're discovering it gradually via the time jumps. 

This is on my list to return to later when I have longer stretches of reading time available to dedicate to it.