A review by jugglingpup
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Comic Book by Leighton Gray, Vernon Shaw


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I got an ARC of this book.

Did you know that I am absolutely obsessed with Dream Daddy? Well I am. Since the very first moment I was told about it, I followed it religiously. The game itself is amazing cute and I am all for it. I have not been able to play it myself, due to my computer hating to function, but I have lovingly followed other people playing it and studied the characters. I am all for this comic.

The comic itself reads like fanfiction of the game. I don’t mean this in a demeaning way that some would take it. Instead I feel like it fleshed out some of the characters more. It gave them some more depth. Fanfiction has this wonderful ability to really make characters come alive in a brilliant way. It doesn’t always tell a full story, but instead focuses on character development and interaction. This comic did just that. It gave these characters more depth and put them in situations that made them more human. The fifth chapter alone was just answering the nerdy question I never thought to ask: what would they be like while playing a D&D like game? So I loved it.

The art shifted from chapter to chapter. Sometimes that can really annoy me, but sometimes it makes things more fun. The art styles fit with the stories they were telling, so the switching helped get the feelings and ideas across in a subtle way. The chapter about the science fair would have been less fun, if it had the art from the first chapter. So I have to applaud the choice of story and artists.

I would get behind a longer version of all of these stories, really flesh out the characters, give me more romance. There is so much to love here, but I was left wanting more. I can only hope for a second volume.