A review by dr_matthew_lloyd
A Long Day in Lychford by Paul Cornell


Taking place over one (long) day, A Long Day in Lychford is nevertheless the shortest Lychford novella. It wastes no time getting into the action: a witchy mistake leads to the boarders between worlds becoming tangled, creating chaos in the between parts and risking incursions into our world. It felt, more than either of the previous two, like a part of an ongoing series leading toward a big finale. Which I assume it is.

Paul Cornell's way with language and place continues to shine through this one. I have ambivalent feelings about the comparative brevity of the story, because while it was good to get right into it I do like these characters and might have preferred to spend more time with them. Then again, the last two novellas comprise about half the series with page length, so I suppose I will get that chance!