A review by mjsam
Heart Failure by Chris Zett


ARC received via Ylva in exchange for an honest review.

I’d read Zett’s [b:Irregular Heartbeat|41050183|Irregular Heartbeat|Chris Zett|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1533481491l/41050183._SY75_.jpg|64096478], and saw this was a sequel of sorts, so wanted to try it. I liked this more than the first one. This features Jess, a cardiologist who has decided to have a baby on her own and Lena, a sort of Jill of all trades, who works multiple jobs and lives in a cottage on Jess’ mother’s property.

Jess has a heart issue after the birth of her daughter and moves back in with her mother while she heals. This throws her into proximity with Lena, whom she is suspicious of. Not gonna lie, Jess is hard to take for the first third of the book. She has her head so far up her butt it’s surprising she could walk around. But as she warms to Lena (who is sweet as pie) her defences come down and she’s also has sweet scenes with her daughter.

The romance is a friend to lovers type slow burn. Lena also has issues from her past and those affect how she relates to Jess. There’s the usual ‘drama’ type thing at the 80% mark, but what impressed me was that the two leads actually discussed it like reasonable adults and were able to resolve it. I also liked that the solution was a compromise for both of them, not just one giving in to what the other wanted.

Fans of book one should enjoy this sequel. Emily has a cameo of sorts, but Diana features a bit. This is a sweet enough romance, and an improvement on book one. I look forward to more from this author. 4 stars.