A review by mary00
The Little House Collection: The Complete Little House Nine-Book Box Set by Laura Ingalls Wilder


When I was in second grade I discovered the Little House on the Prairie books and my love of reading was born. I couldn't get enough of these books. I would alternately pretend to be Mary or Laura as I went throughout my daily life. You could say I was obsessed. For Christmas that year, I received the entire series from Santa. I don't ever remember being more happy about a gift. I spent countless hours with this series as a child.

It is too hard to pick a favorite, but it may have been These Happy Golden Years, which I couldn't even put down long enough to take a bath. I accidentally dropped into the bathwater one terrible night and the book was forever warped after that (but still readable, luckily). Farmer Boy was my decided least favorite, because it did not feature the beloved Ingalls family.

This series will always hold a special corner of my heart. I really do owe my love of reading to this series, which sparked my lifelong favorite hobby!