A review by lefttorread
Hardwired: The Hacker Series #1 by Meredith Wild


I've just finished Hardwired and I didn't even notice that I hadn't put when I started reading this book, I'm not sure when I started, it was somewhere just after Christmas. This book should have taken 1 or 2 days at most to read and I know I would have devoured this book due to the size of it but on top of my reading slump I'm in it didn't help that this book was just utter garbage. It gets a 2 stars because Meredith did well painting an image of the characters, but that's where the good points stop.

I absolutely loved and do still love Fifty Shades but many people find Christian too much, no no no, read this book guys, Blake Landon is what I'd call too much. He crossed the line as soon as he met Erica and then he just kept going. I loved the image of Blake but really he's just a douche. Also I had to look up when this book was released and surely enough it was 4 years after the first book in the Fifty series came out, as I predicted. Blake's use of 'baby' every time he spoke to Erica just like Christian (Grey) does with Ana and the amount of statements used that might as well have just been copied and pasted were a massive eye sore. Oh and what's the coincidence that Erica just so happens to have a roommate that falls in love with Blakes brother? Seems familiar? READ FIFTY SHADES OF GREY.

On top of all that there just wasn't any suspense/mystery behind the characters as there is in Fifty, there's no build up, I really couldn't have cared less about any of their lives or their background stories, none of it was shocking or exciting and it was all so rushed. Oh and every time something bothered them they just decided to have sex instead, I get that they do this in Fifty too but at least Ana and Christian have more personality and can actually get really worked up about something that's bothering them, for instance Blake does something obsessive that Erica doesn't like so because she's mad at him she looks at him and orders Blake to take his "Clothes,off" - yes that actually happened (I rolled my eyes hard at this point)

This was a huge disappointment as I have read the first in the Bridge series also written by Meredith Wild and I did really enjoy that one so I had big expectations for this one, especially since it's gotten a higher rating than any of the Fifty Shades of Grey books (WHUT) I'm shook.