A review by patchworkbunny
Busted by Karin Slaughter


Will Trent is working undercover in Macon, disguised as tough biker Bill Black. But that doesn’t mean he can’t stop at a gas station for an iced Coke. Whilst waiting for his drink, an armed robbery takes place. Will just can’t let the bad guy get away, or can he?

Busted falls before the new Karin Slaughter novel, Unseen, and gives a bit of an inkling of what Will is up to however it’s not necessary to read it if you’re working through the series. For a digital short, it contains a good full investigation. It’s a case of right place, right time, for Will to end up getting involved when he shouldn’t have been there. Amanda is pissed off and Will wants to do the right thing, even if his alter ego would walk away. Having characters you already know, suits these sorts of short form tales as you don’t need to spend time on character development.