A review by apageinthestacks
Batman and Robin, Volume 1: Born to Kill by Guy Major, Patrick Gleason, Mick Gray, Peter J. Tomasi, John Kalisz


Actual rating: 4.5/5

I gotta say, I liked this so much more than I ever imagined I would. I've never read anything with Damian as the focus, and I've never really wanted to--his character to me was always just "whiny little brat", and that's not what I want to read about in a Batman comic (also, Batman being a dad? Cool idea, but again, not necessarily what I want from a Batman comic).

That being said, I've certainly changed my opinion after reading this (and am now looking forward to reading more, such as Batman and Son and the rest of this series). In the first issue, he was sort of exactly how I imagined, but I actually liked that, because it allowed for so much growth throughout these six issues. The writing could have been slightly better at times, but overall, I loved the main story and the dynamic between Bruce and Damian. And that's why I bumped this up to 5 stars, just because of what it did for me--it made me really, really enjoy a character I thought I would hate.

So yeah. I guess I'm a little bit of a Damian Wayne fan now. Who would've thought?