A review by whoisdarssss
Inked in Lies by Giana Darling


I’ve absolutely love their story. In the other books Gianna doesn't delve too deep into the characters, they appear for sure, but it’s not the same as it was with, Idk, Harleigh Rose or Zeus, if you know what I mean. Nova it’s always the pretty boy and you don’t know that that’s actually an insecurity of the character and I think the development of his character was one of the best, actually; for me at least.

Also, I never could picture Lila because again, Gianna doesn’t go deep in them so, when I read that how she was, was very refreshing somehow. I love her.

I cried my soul in the first few chapters because it was tragedy after tragedy and I was like “when is this gonna end?” Because seriously I cried so hard when they told her that Dane was dead and then he wasn’t dead at all. Bitch, you’re kidding me