A review by syrairai
Good for You by Camille Pagán


I went into reading this with no expectations whatsoever. I was in the mood for a book that wasn't too heavy and one I could read in between a series/companion novel. But wow was I surprised about how much I liked it!!

First of all while this did have romance sprinkled all over it, the book is mostly about navigating grief. I thought that Aly was suuuper realistic and relatable in the way that she deals with grief and navigates herself through it. The unexpected (but expected for the reader) romance she has with her brother's best friend was really sweet because you just knew that they weren't reeeally enemies. The forced proximity could neverrr keep them apart haha.

There were moments where I felt complete heartbreak and joy but also where I felt like I needed to defend both Aly and Wyatt - the author did such a great job in the building of characters and their personalities!!

I'd recommend this to anyone looking for an in-between book, loves a good brother's best friend trope, forced proximity or is not in the mood for a completely light-hearted, fluffy romance.

*read an e-arc from netgalley after the book was already published. This is my honest review