A review by kitsuneheart
A Civil Campaign by Lois McMaster Bujold


Okay, look. I think all of the Vorkosigan Saga books are good. But this one? THIS ONE IS MAGIC. And it's a little weird, because the scope of this book is so much smaller than the rest! We're not looking at a multi-planet plot with numerous deaths and the chance of interstellar war. The entire book takes place in Vorbarr Sultana, the capital city. And, while the impending wedding of Emperor Gregor is going on in the background, that's not what's important. The four major plots involve Miles's wooing efforts, Kareen Koudelka's attempts at becoming an adult in her parent's eyes, Mark's financial schemes, and an upcoming controversial vote on two possible members of the Council of Counts, one with some Cetagandan blood, the other of whom has only recently come into possession of male genitalia.

And it's all FASCINATING. Bujold makes you rabid to find out what's going on with each plot, so you're excited to switch to a new one, but so anxious to see the other three. Of course, the Miles holds center stage, but it's so good to see him not always in control, despite being in the absolute seat of his power, as both an Auditor and as Lord Vorkosigan.

Set aside however long you'll need to read this straight through, because once you start, there's no stopping until the last page!