A review by becsa
Je Suis à Toi by Pepper Winters


This is the only book that I have read in this series so I am missing some of the back story but that being said I didn't feel lost or lacking any information.

Tess Mercer still can't get over that she is lucky enough to be married to Q Mercer after three years. One thing she knows he doesn't like is surprises but she plans on surprising him for his birthday with their friends.

Q Mercer is keeping a major secret from Tess and when he reveals it to her will he be risking everything he loves? When he decides to change the dynamics in their relationship will it divide them to the point where they can't find their way back?

Wow - I wasn't sure what to expect with this book but it definitely left me with wanting to go start the series from the beginning! There is so much that I look forward to learning about the back story and it is because I enjoyed this one so much!

It is clear that both Tess and Q are amazing and strong people to overcome what they have but it is also clear how torn Q is with what he is keeping from Tess. His guilt and his belief in karma threaten to destroy their relationship but Tess never gives up on what she believes in.

It is also clear how their small group of friends - Suzette, Franco, Frederick and Angelique are very loyal to both Tess and Q but do what is best for each, even if they may not realize it!

This novella was great and I can't wait to get my hands on the rest of the series!