A review by just_fighting_censorship
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Volume 2 by David Hahn, Valentine De Landro, Sean McKeever, Takeshi Miyazawa


Okay, I loved this. I absolutely loved this! When I finished I actually cried out in anger because I didn't want it to end! Once I got past flashbacks of emo MJ and got into the love triangles I could not put it down!

Forget love triangles this book has love hexagons, octagons? Whatever, there was a lot going on! I absolutely loved the characterization of Peter/Spidey, I often found myself giggling like a school girl,

and I will not be embarrassed by that fact!

We get to see a few more famous faces such as Gwen Stacy, Firestar, and Felicia Hardy. Although I was somewhat disappointed with Felicia's appearance because it was very brief and she had no interaction with Peter or Spidey, it was still fun.

I appreciate that there was a real effort to give these characters dimension and depth and am impressed by the author's ability to write believable female characters.

Overall, this was incredibly enjoyable, I got to shut off my brain and fall in love with these characters all over again.