A review by juliahl
Flock by Kate Stewart


1/5 ⭐️
I dedicate this 1 star rating to Sean. I’ll keep this spoiler free.

I heard a lot of hype about this book, so I decided to take a chance since this was on kindle unlimited. I pushed through because of the hype, thinking it might get better, but this book just was not for me.

The male love interest, Sean, is 26 to the female main character’s 19. The age difference is really apparent in the way Sean treats and talks to Cecelia in a way that makes me cringe every time they touch. I understand the concept of cute in a romance novel, red flag in real life, but this was just too much for me personally.

Let’s talk about Sean. His entire personality is constantly being 3 seconds away from saying “wake up sheeple” at all times. He talks about conspiracy theories to Cecelia and implies she’s dumb for not believing them. At one point he belittles her by saying she thinks “big brother is just a tv show.” Come on. It comes off as brain washing and gaslighting which is not cute. He said his hero is Dave Chapelle, which this book was written before a lot of that controversy so I kept going, but it did not get any better. I never really understood the term “getting the ick” but whenever he spoke I turned to my fiancé and just said “ew” out loud.

I think the author did a good job of portraying teenage angst from Cecelia’s perspective, but it was like reading the same thought restated over and over for 30 chapters. Cecelia doesn’t trust Sean. Cecelia is belittled by Sean for it. Cecelia thinks she’s wrong. But wait, Cecelia doesn’t trust Sean again. It got repetitive being told on every page that Sean has secrets, I get it.

Does the series get better after book 1? Maybe. Will I read to find out? Absolutely not, because I know Sean will be there and ew.