A review by mostlyreadinghorror
The Last Haunt by Max Booth III


If you have any interest in the inner workings of extreme haunts-pick up this book now!

This story is told through a series of interviews following the aftermath of the tragic Mckinley Manor Massacre, an extreme haunted house attraction in a small town in Texas. Thats it, thats the story and really all that you need to know. This is a pretty straight forward story that I didn't know I needed in my life and I read it in one day.

Clocking in at 124 pages this is a perfect short read to add to your TBR especially during the Halloween season. In this story we get a first seat glimpse into the origins of an extreme haunt. The twisted mind of the creator behind Mckinley Manor and the cult following obsessed with the attraction and its lore. After reading the synopsis for this novella, it immediately reminded me of the famed Mackamey Manor a real extreme haunt in TN that has a cult following and sounds like an absolute nightmare.

Some of the Survivor-style obstacles that the patrons have to endure at Mckinley Manor are downright disgusting-or are they? Interview style stories can be a hit or miss for me, but it was very well done here and I felt it really contributed to the tension. Trust me once you start you will not want to finish, I could have easily devoured this in one sitting, but ya know-life. The ending is pretty shocking and took a turn I wasn't expecting. I can't say that I particularly liked it, but it did surprise me.

This book comes with my highest recommendation-I think its the perfect thrilling read balanced with a well developed plot. I feel like this novella would appeal to audiences that enjoy true crime. Happy Reading!