A review by winesharksea
House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas


Okay... okay... I'm ngl this did kind of go off sometimes!!
Things I hated:
1. Bryce's "friends" are absolutely terrible people and I don't understand why they even bothered to make Bryce think they were her friends when they obviously had no respect for her 
2. SJM spending 800 pages hitting me over the head about how hot Bryce is.. like thank you... I get it... this links into my bigger issues regarding SJM's writing of women in general but I will not deliver that thesis in a goodreads comment so.
3. That Moment with Hunt. Why. Simply, why. Just- why. 
4. Hunt is the dumbest boy in all the land and I couldn't even feel the angst in his sorrowful moments because he's just such a little clown that he would go "Oh no I can't believe I've been such a fool" WELL I CAN!!
5. SJM loooves herself a slavery subplot and I honestly do not get it. She never has anything to say about it beyond "slavery is bad!" like yes... I am aware thank you... why are you ALWAYS inserting this as a plot point in your series just to remind the reader that slavery is in fact bad...
6. This book is 800 pages long and opens with extremely dense worldbuilding... girl at least lure me into the story first! and also the worldbuilding in question left me confused and vaguely dizzy from the sheer amount of things and species and countries/continents/territories presented

Things I appreciated:
1. Bryce is a fun protagonist! She was serving classic YA girlboss and I appreciated it
2. The emotional scenes actually had impact! I'm not mad about like a pure shock value scene tbh which is mainly what the opening event was but like it did still surprise me! And like the emotional climaxes later were genuinely sad and hard hitting
3. Ngl Hunt being a silly little frat boy was kind of fun and I did think they had some good scenes and chemistry, tbf they are tarnished by some not-so-great scenes but like now and then I was seeing the vibes
4. The 'through love all is possible' and the 'this power belongs to the people for the city' were really good motifs/throughlines!! I really liked that especially compared to the emptiness and BS of the "for the dreamers 🥺" garbage in ACOTAR