A review by mundinova
Aimless Love: New and Selected Poems by Billy Collins


A dog on his master

As young as I look,
I am growing older faster than he,
seven to one
is the ratio they tend to say.

Whatever the number,
I will pass him one day
and take the lead
the way I do on our walks in the woods.

And if this ever manages
to cross his mind,
it would be the sweetest
shadow I have ever cast on snow or grass.

This little collection of Collins' poems is a mixed bag.

Short, easy to understand poems
Observational storytelling, much like observational stand-up comedy
Some are funny, some are sad. The funny ones are delightful!

Some of the poems feel repetitive in nature. I wondered sometimes if I had already read one or if it was new.
Upper middle class American white man life observations. Might be hard to relate to.

The pros outweigh the cons, so I'd recommend this collection to anyone looking to get into poetry for the first time. But if poetry is your life and you're looking for a new voice, Collins isn't your man.

Stories: 3 stars
Capturing the Human Condition (as defined by me): 3 stars
Prose/Language: 5 stars