A review by isabellarobinson7
The Rise of Skywalker by Rae Carson


Rating: a generous 2.5 stars

I was going to go on a whole rant about all the problems I had with Episode IX (as in the movie) but there's enough of that around anyway, and I don't feel as though a rant from me would add anything of benefit. Yes, the ending was a rehash of Return of the Jedi. Yes, the lightsaber duel was two angsty people being all emotional in a children's water park, because "we did a good one in fire, now let's do one with water!" Yes, there were lines (especially that last "battlecry" I guess you could call it from Rey) that should not have seen the light of day. And finally, yes, Force lightning does. Not. Come. That. Easily. It was a huge missed opportunity, and to me, a real disappointment. 

And that was what Rae Carson had to work with. I don't envy her task. But despite that, I think she did what she could, and did it the best as was possible with the material given. That at least is commendable, and earns an extra star and a half.