A review by narcissia
Bloodlines by Richelle Mead


3.5 ish?

I liked it. I like Sydney, though I think Rose is more fun. There are some things I loved, like that one poor guy asking Sydney about movies and most of Adrian's dialogue and interactions with Sydney (and his interactions with Keith because those are hilarious). But there are other things that I think were meh, such as basically every part of the plot involving that Lee guy. I imagine that the Lee plot line will have a point in future books.(?) But that whole arc was sorta sloppily done all around and is easily the weakest part of the novel. I occasionally became annoyed by the way in which Sydney's thought processes were written. I do think Mead's writing style is more suited to a character like Rose than Sydney, though I expect that will improve as the series progresses. I found Sydney to be an interesting character in VA and I enjoy her POV as a fresh perspective in this world and look forward to learning more about the Alchemists. I, of course, also love Adrian and his snarky wit.