A review by beeslynaxos
Owned by M. Never


1. What do you think of the main characters? Ellie? Kayne?
I liked Ellie. I thought she was sassy with the right amount of spunk. Given the bad situation she seems to be in she continues to resist. I understand that Kayne thought he needed to protect her but I found his over the top love for her unbelievable. And while he needed to play super kinkster with her, I think he could have done a much better job explaining things to her and leading her into the life they were forced to live. I actually liked Jett a lot better and his interactions with Ellie seemed much more believable.

2. Does the abduction element heighten your like/dislike of this book? Why?
I did not either like or dislike the abduction element. It neither a turn-on or a turn-off for me.

3. Which is your favorite scene?
I actually liked the scenes with Jett and Ellie. She was snarky and he was caring.

4. How do you think Ellie's previous attraction to Kayne played into her acceptance of the situation?
Her previous attraction probably helped her accept the situation. It was curious that she learned to care for him when she just thought he was an asshole kidnapper but in the end hated him when she found out that he did what he did to save her and fight bad guys.

5. What are your overall feelings about the book?
Toward the end of the book I was finding the sex scenes boring and the declared love unbelievable. It was becoming obvious that Kayne was going to stop the bad guys, so no suspense there. Ellie's snarkiness and spunk are the only things that saved the book.

6. Are you looking forward to reading the next book in the series?
I'll probably pass.