A review by laurenjodi
A Stroke of Malice by Anna Lee Huber


A Stroke of Malice
3.5 Stars

Kiera and her husband Sebastian Gage are attending the annual 12th Night celebration at the Duke of Bowmont's estate in Traquair, Scotland. All is going splendidly until a newly dead corpse is discovered in the burial crypt beneath the castle, and the duchess requests that Kiera and Gage investigate. The evidence soon suggests that the deceased is the Earl of Helmswick, the duchess's son-in-law, and suspicion naturally falls on the family members. Which one of the duke and duchess's children wanted him dead?

Series note: As there are references to earlier investigations, it is recommended that the series be read in order.

The atmospheric setting is wonderful although the details surrounding the 12th Night masquerade are excessive and slow the pacing. Moreover, the number of times Kiera's pregnancy is mentioned becomes tedious and annoying.

The action, nevertheless, picks up once the body is discovered. While it is relatively easy to predict the twists and turns of the plot, it is still entertaining to follow along with Kiera and Gage as the clues are revealed and the truth emerges. The eventual unmasking of the killer is rather lackluster mainly due to the fact that they are actually quite likable, and one cannot help but sympathize with their motive if not accept their actions.

As always, it is the development of Kiera and Gage's relationships, and the revelations pertaining to them that are the true highlight of the series. It will be interesting to see how
SpoilerAlana and Kiera reconcile their differences
, as well as how
Spoiler the secret that Lord Henry Kerr is Sebastian's half-brother
plays out.

In sum, although this is not one of the better installments in the series, it is enjoyable overall and I look forward to Kiera and Gage's next investigation.