A review by ljrinaldi
Count Your Chickens by Jo Ellen Bogart


This is a cute book. I will grant it that. And yeah, and book with chickens, count me in, since I have, what am I up to now, 32 of them in my backyard flock, so yeah, I kind of like chickens I guess.

And I kind of like this book. Kind of. It is full of bright pictures, and lots of anthropomorphic chickens, going to a faire, having fun, and then going home.

But, see, the thing that would have earned it more stars would be to actually use the chickens to make the story more. Chickens should not be something you can swap out with anthropomorphic mice, or cats, or dogs, or anything else that a picture book would be about. I felt as though they were missing out on something by making them just like little people doing all these things, cute as it was.

And this isn't saying that the book is bad. It does what it says on the tin, and it is a bit like Richard Scarey, and his little mice, and pigs and cats, and dogs. There was a child at the library who would keep checking out the same Richard Scarey book, he loved it so much.

So, perhaps I am a cynic old lady, and don't appreciate what kids would love. But, I have read very cleaver books that took on aspects of the what a chicken is like to tell the story, and that made it all the better.

So, probably kids will love it, for its bright pictures, and cute drawings.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.